Triangle Startup Organization Report Card
I wrote a post about Triangle startup metrics back in January that compared our region to other regions using metrics from AngelList and Mattermark (and posted a follow up to correct my numbers). My friend Chris Heivly wrote a great post that pointed out a surefire way to increase participation:
"I am asking that every startup organization in RTP require their startups to be listed on at least 2 of the 3 sites listed above as a requirement for further discussion.”
So it got me thinking - how are the current startup organizations doing? With the help of Tom Vosburgh, an intern with Groundwork Labs, we have compiled stats on each local startup org and calculated their participation percentage.
These numbers aren’t perfect, some startups change their name or go out of business and some of these organizations had classes well before AngelList was even popular. (like NC Idea)
But here we go (in order of best to worst)!
The Startup Factory. 20/29 are on AngelList. 68.9%
Not surprised to see TSF at the top, it’s a big focus of their program. Would be even higher if we excluded startups in the dead pool.
Idea Fund Partners. 13/19 on AngelList. 68.4%
Also not a surprise, these are all established companies at this point. Most of the negatives are life sciences companies which makes sense since I don’t think AngelList has really taken off in that space.
NC Idea (grant) 35/83 on AngelList. 42%
I actually am surprised this is so high considering that lots of these are really early stage and the grant goes all the way back to 2006.
Groundwork Labs. 22/56 on AngelList. 39%
I think Groundwork is one of the groups who could dramatically improve if they start to make it mandatory or part of the program.
BCVP/Southern Capital 5/13 on AngelList. 38%
Expected this to be higher based on stage, but many of these companies were funded and exited before AngelList even existed. BCVP is 100% on the new fund though!
AmericanUnderground 35/168 on AngelList. 20%
Much lower than I expected, it could be due to the dead pool effect or just that many of these aren't yet "real" startups.
I think there is room for everyone on this list to improve and I look forward to measuring this next year.
I hope next year to also measure how many companies have hooked up their Google Analytics to Mattermark.
Thanks to Tim Huntley for reviewing this post.
-James (@averyj)